Outlook: Newsletter of the Society of Behavorial Medicine

Spring 2022

Editor's Note: Our Collective Voices Make Us Mighty

As I transition out of my role as Outlook editor and start a new chapter within the Society of Behavioral Medicine, I am reminded of the strength of this collective and the undaunted efforts to address society’s issues whether they are on a local or global level.

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Pandemic Parenting: Challenges and Silver Linings

“Unsustainable.” “Burnout.” “Liberating.” “Cognitive overload.” “Exhausting.” “Anxiety.” “Resourceful.” These are some of the words filling the Women’s Health SIG Twitter feed as parents discuss their experiences balancing personal and professional responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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A Priority for Today to Empower Tomorrow: A Student Perspective on LGBTQ Resources and Mentorship in the Academy

The demand for employees within the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in the United States has boomed since 1990. Younger generations of workers (20­–25-year-olds) are identifying as LGBTQ at higher rates than prior generations (15.9% in 2020) and the need for workers in STEM is continuing to rise. Research shows, however, that individuals who identify as LGBTQ are avoiding if not resigning from STEM-focused jobs.

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How a 360° Evaluation Can Help Your Professional Development

I recently invited about 30 people to complete a survey. That part is routine, as I often ask cancer survivors to complete surveys for research projects. This survey was unusual because 1) colleagues completed it and 2) the goal was to help my professional development. It’s part of a 360º evaluation to gain insight into my strengths and weaknesses as a colleague and leader.

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Transforming Digital Behavioral Health Interventions to Address Inequities: A Working Group’s Mission

COVID-19, the first global pandemic of the digital age, has ignited and spurred a rapid emergence of digital health interventions. This pandemic has demonstrated the potential of digital health to improve the quality, efficiency, consistency, and availability of care including behavioral interventions, but has also revealed challenges and equity concerns.

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Systems-Oriented, Population Health Approaches Are Needed to Improve Health: We Are All in This Together

In the United States, we have prioritized a focus on individual behavior as underpinning health though we know that current approaches have undermined the health of the socioeconomically vulnerable. What is less well known is how this focus has broadly undermined the health of the population including those at the top of the socioeconomic distribution.

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To Diet or Not to Diet: Communicating Nutrition to a Lay Audience

Most of the population is aware that nutrition and a healthy diet are a part of a healthy lifestyle and that we should aim for this. However, with an abundance of fad diets that reach the top levels of viewership, having access to inaccurate information ends up being detrimental to society and health. It is imperative to provide accurate and beneficial information about nutrition to the public.

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New Articles from Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine

SBM's two journals, Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research (TBM), continuously publish online articles, many of which become available before issues are printed. Click below to read a selection of Annals and TBM articles that were recently made available online.

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Honors and Awards

Congratulations to the following SBM members who recently received awards or were otherwise honored. To have your honor or award featured in the next issue of Outlook, please email aschmidt@sbm.org.

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President's Message: Buzzing with Excitement for Baltimore

After all of the uncertainty wrought by the pandemic, I am bubbling with excitement at the thought of seeing you all at our 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions in Baltimore, MD, from April 6-9! Program Chair Dr. Ellen Beckjord and the entire Program Committee have assembled a phenomenal program to fill your brain and your heart.

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Upcoming Events:

44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
April 26-29, 2023
Phoenix, AZ

Learn more

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